Colon Cancer Treatment

Colon cancer treatment may involve targeted treatments and systemic treatments. Local treatment aims at treating a specific area with cancerous presence, while systemic treatment focuses on a large area of the body. The type of treatment you may get depends on your health, stage of cancer, and your preferences.


Surgical removal of the cancer is considered during the early stages. Other factors include the spread of cancer and its location.

The first option in this regard is polypectomy, which involves the removal of cancerous polyps from the inside of the colon. The surgeon will perform this surgery during colonoscopy. This treatment is ideal for early-stage cancers, usually ranging between 0 and 1.

The second option is a more aggressive one in this regard. It is called the colectomy. This method involves the removal of a part of the colon with cancerous cells. Total colectomy involves the removal of the entire colon. Your surgeon may choose to perform a total colectomy if there are several polyps present along the length of the colon.

During a colectomy, the surgeon removes the affected part of the colon and attaches two healthy ends. This way, you can pass out stools through your anus.

Another surgical option is the colostomy, in which the lower part of the colon is completely bypassed. The surgeon brings the end of the healthy bowel out through the abdominal wall to create a stoma. This stoma, or opening, passes out intestinal wastes. Depending on your condition, a colostomy can be permanent or temporary. If you have a temporary colostomy, you will have to undergo another surgical procedure to get your stoma reversed. The doctor will consider the stoma reversal once your bowel heals. A permanent colostomy, on the other hand, becomes a permanent feature of your body.

Local therapy

In some cases, the doctor may recommend radiation therapy to kill cancer cells. This option is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and surgery. This treatment is provided by a radiation oncologist. While this procedure is painless, it can result in a host of side effects, including irritation at the radiation site, nausea, and vomiting.

Systemic therapy

Systemic therapies affect the entire body. Treatment options that fall into the category of systemic therapy include the following.

  • Chemotherapy: This treatment involves administering drugs that travel throughout the body and kill any cancer cells in the process. This treatment, however, doesn’t distinguish between cancer cells and other healthy, fast-dividing cells, such as hair or nails. Nonetheless, the production of healthy cells resumes once the chemotherapy treatment is complete. Drugs used in chemotherapy include both oral and IV drugs. This treatment results in a host of side effects.
  • Immunotherapy: It is another option for the treatment of colon cancer. This method uses the patient’s immune system to attack cancer cells.

There are many other options that you can consider for the treatment of cancer. You can speak to your doctor to discuss what options will suit you better.

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